Welcome to our brand new Summer Series on Rainy Day Mum – Story Book Summer. I’m inviting fellow bloggers from around the world to share a favourite book on a weekly theme and bring it alive with crafts and activities for kids. This weeks theme is Under the Sea and today I’m handing over to Helen from Peakle Pie to start the series with the book The Fish Who Could Wish.
Hello! I’m Helen, Mum to Peakles my four year old daughter. Peakles and I have been crafting, learning, playing and I write about it on our blog called Peakle Pie. This year we have been reading lots of books together, either from the library or from our own book stash!
We love playing and we love creating things from the books that have inspired us! Over the past year we have made lots of colourful sculptures, painted pictures and made up our own games too. Peakles is very proud of what we do and will tell everybody she can that she is Peakle Pie!
I try to maintain that ‘hands on’ feel with our site and Peakles is involved with every craft and activity featured. We have been following Rainy Day Mum and we are delighted to be featured here and look forward to sharing our chosen book and activities with you today!
The book that we are looking at today is one of our old favourites ‘The Fish Who Could Wish’ written John Bush and illustrated by Korky Paul. The book is very colourful and is written in rhyme which makes it easy to read and helps children to remember the story and try to predict what will happen next! The Fish Who Could Wish is a funny, but cautionary tale, about an extraordinary fish who lived in the sea. This fish could wish for anything and it would come true! However after lots of hilarious adventures the fish did one silly thing that was to change his life forever. When he wished to be like any other fish in the sea that is what happened, he became an ordinary fish, showing that you should be very careful about what you should wish for!
More Fish Wishes Game!
Peakles loves this book and our first activity stems from our love of rhyming words. We thought up rhyming pairs of words and I drew them down on squares of card. We then would play match the pairs in the style of the book. For example we matched ‘cat’ and ‘hat’ together and made up a silly verse. ‘He wished for a cat and a giant, pink hat‘
This game can be extended for older children who are learning their words too. You can have the word alongside the picture and you can also substitute the pictures just for their words. We have had great fun playing this game and Peakles has extended her language knowledge as well as starting to recognise some of the written words too.
The Fish Who Could Wish Flap Game!
This is a fun and easy game that can be played by children and adults of all ages. First take a sheet of paper. It can be plain or decorated paper, wrapping paper or a sheet of newspaper. Cut out a simple fish shape. Take a magazine, folded newspaper or a piece of cardboard as a ‘flapper’.
It is best to use a large room with little furniture in or you can play it outside as long as it is not windy! Make a start line and a finish line. Place the fish on the floor and then flap the magazine beside it. The fish should start to move along the floor with each ‘flap’ and the winner is the first person to the finish line! This is a great party game but remember to remind people to also look where they are going when they are flapping their fish!
Helen can be found at Peakle Pie sharing “Hands On” crafts and activities with her 4 year old ‘Peakles’.
You can find Helen on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and G+
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